ice cream park city

Planning a date with loved ones doesn’t have to be stressful. A perfect date doesn’t have to be a fancy restaurant or a movie. One of the most perfect relaxing and stress-free dates happens over ice cream. When attending an ice cream shop park city you can have a nice and relaxing time with your date. Just one another getting to know each other over a delicious dessert. 

When you choose to do an ice cream date, you will also not have to dress up all fancy and stress about the perfect outfit. The beauty of an ice cream date is that you can come in some regular comfortable clothes and be completely comfterble .  When going out for delicious ice cream you also don’t have to worry about making sure to have a reservation or waiting to be seated. Ice cream dates are also very cheap and you don’t have to work about spending alot of money and breaking the bank. 

Ice cream dates can also happen right at home and can be just as fun and romantic. Planning an ice cream date with your loved one at home can save you from being in a crowded ice cream shop with a bunch of kids. This way you and your date can have the quiet and private time to get to know each other. Below are a few tips and tricks for a successful ice cream date at home.

Set The Scene

 To make a romantic setting at home for a date you should start off by dimming or turning off some lights, lights some candles to make it smell good. You will want to also put your phone on silent so you have zero distractions. If it’s summer and the weather is great you can plan this date to be outside somewhere like a balcony. 

Keep It Simple

You can never go wrong with some plain vanilla or chocolate ice cream. Who doesn’t love those flavors? You can visit your local ice cream shop park city and get a take out and maybe ask for some topping on the side like cherries or fudge. With your ice cream, you can also get a bottle of wine to set the mood evermore.  A glass of white wine is a little sweeter and can pair well with sweet ice cream.

Make It More Fun

If you want to put a little twist to your ice cream date, you and your date can make your own ice cream at home. Doesn’t that sound fun? With just five simple ingredients you can make some delicious vanilla ice cream at home. You will want to go to a grocery store and get heavy cream, whole milk, sugar, sea salt, vanilla extract, and vanilla bean. For a successful ice cream making you can look up a video on youtube on how to make the ice cream or you can just simply lookup on google. There are hundreds of recipes on how to make the ice cream and most of them don’t take too long and they taste amazing. To spice up your homemade ice cream you can purchase and add some topping to it, like brownies, cookies, gummy bears, or recess peanut butter cups.