house cleaning vancouver

A clean home is one step closer to a happy life. It’s important to keep up on your cleaning, and everyone loves a clean house but not everybody loves to clean. Is there a way to clean your house faster? Yes actually, house cleaning Salt Lake City has provided some helpful cleaning tips that can make cleaning a lot more fun and fast. Keep reading to find out about these tips.

Fast House Cleaning Tips

1. Clean The Whole House At Once

Cleaning is much easier if you pick one task at a time and do that task in the whole house at the same time. It’s a lot easier to clean everything at once rather than cleaning one room at a time. Doing it this way can prevent you from feeling like you’re starting the cleaning over and over again.

2. Have All Your Cleaning Supplies Together In A Caddy

Whether it’s a caddy or a bucket, having all your supplies with you at once can make cleaning much easier to get done. This way you won’t waste a lot of time looking for certain cleaning supplies or running back and forth to grab them. You’ll have everything you need with you the whole time.

3. Clean Clutter

Before you start the actual cleaning, go into each room and pick up all the clutter. When you pick up the clutter consider getting rid of things that you need. If you have clothes lying around that you haven’t worn in forever, toss them or donate them to DI.

4. Dust And Vacuum

Before you even start dusting you’ll need to make sure all your ceiling fans are turned off. You’ll need to start dusting from the top and make your way to the bottom. For hard to reach areas like ceiling fans and tall blinds consider getting a high duster that will allow you to reach. Also, consider using a microfiber cloth to dust any picture frames and shelves. After you dust you’ll need to change your sheets and then vacuum up all the dust.

5. Focus On More Dirty Areas

You’ll want to start off your actual cleaning by focusing on the dirtiest areas. Getting the dirty stuff done first can relieve you of some stress because you’ll know all the hard stuff is out of the way. This way you’ll have the energy to do the rest that is easy.

6. Wash All Your Tools After You Clean

The most overlooked step when it comes to cleaning is cleaning the tools after you clean the house. If you don’t wash your mop or empty your vacuum they can become less effective, and you’ll end up spending extra time the next time you clean trying to clean the tools.

7. Make Cleaning A Group Effort

House cleaning Salt Lake City recommends that next time you plan on cleaning your home to make it a group effort. If you have kids or other family lice with you make them help you out so things can get done a lot faster. Of Course, if you live alone your other option could be to hire house cleaning services to help.