coffee shop park city

Coffee is a drink that people look forward to drinking in the morning to start their day. Coffee addicts consume about 1-3 cups of coffee every day. That first sip of warm coffee in the morning is why coffee lovers can get enough of it. Coffee lovers not only drink coffee because of the taste and the smell, but they also drink it because it gives them a boost of energy when they have to wake up at 6 am to go to their job. People who drink hot coffee in the morning also live to try coffees that are made in different ways. Visit your local coffee shop park city to try different varieties of coffee. 

Types Of Brewing Methods

Drip Coffee

Drip coffee is the most common way a regular black coffee is made. Medium size grounds are added to a brewing basket.

Pour Over Cofee

This is a more refined way to make coffee. Its made in hot boiling water and the water is poured over the grounds, which then will drip into a mug. 

Types Of Coffees

Black Coffee 

Black coffee is as exactly as it is described. A black cup of coffee is just plain brewed coffee without any additives like cream or sugar.


Lattes are very popular and are ordered by hundreds of coffee lovers every day. The latte is made of a shot of steamed milk, espresso, and a little bit of foam. You can order a latte either plain or flavored. The flavors can be vanilla, hazelnut, or caramel. 


Cappuccinos taste also like lattes and are made with more foam than steamed milk. You can order your cappuccinos with some cinnamon or cocoa powder on top. Cappuccinos can also come flavored like lattes. 


Espresso is just a shot of strong caffeine and doesn’t have any flavor or milk. People usually will order an espresso shot if they need a quick boost of energy. 

Iced Coffees

Regular Iced Coffee

The regular iced coffee is made from plain black brewed coffee and a splash of milk or sugar can be added. 

Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brews have become very popular due to more caffeine. Cold brews are made from steeping coffee beans for long hours anywhere between 10-20 hours. The longer they stay steeping the stronger the caffeine will be.  

Blended Frozen Coffee

Blended coffee is often also called a frappuccino. Blended coffee is made from brewed coffee and ice. Milk and other additives like chocolate chips can be added to a frappuccino to make it super tasty. 

Now that you have learned more about different types of coffee, you can visit coffee shop park city to further expand your horizons with coffee. To make your coffee taste even better you can order some pastries with it. Pastries like banana bread and croissants will taste great with a warm cup of cappuccino. A chocolate chip muffin will satisfy your taste buds with a warm cup of black coffee.