midwife park city

Who Is A Certified Midwife Nurse?

A park city midwife nurse is a certified and licensed healthcare provider who is educated in nursing as well as midwifery. Nurse midwives provide quality care for their patients and also help their patients become stronger advocates for their health. Midwife care has been shown great clinical results, including satisfied patients, increased birth weights, and a decrease in infant mortality.

Advantages Of Using A Midwife


  1. They will provide you guidance during perception

Staying extremely healthy during your pregnancy is very important, even though so many women don’t really think about how important it is to be healthy before becoming pregnant. Your guidance during the preconception might include things like:

  • Helping you improve your healthy habits before you even get pregnant. Help you learn an approved exercise that can help you stay healthy during your pregnancy.
  • Help you stop any unhealthy habits before you get pregnant. For example, if you smoke then you will have to quit before getting pregnant.
  • Working with future moms and their husbands to develop a future birthing plan that fits their needs. 


  1. Midwives will offer support and care during pregnancy

It’s very important to know and consider who will give you the support that you need during your pregnancy. This is important for first time mothers especially, understanding and knowing that you have support can make your pregnancy a lot less stressful or scary. Having a midwife nurse for your pregnancy support might include:

  • Having conversations face to face with your midwife about any of your concerns or needs.
  • Recommendations for education. For example, your nurse midwife might recommend you to attend a program that educates women about pregnancy and also helps them understand their emotional and physical journey through their motherhood.
  • Your midwife will give you alternative birthing options. For example, a midwife can help you decide what is the best way for you to deliver, like using a tub or a bed.


  1. Midwives will be present through the birth 

Bringing a new child into the world is one of the most amazing experiences. But, unfortunately for many new mothers, labor and delivery can seem stressful and scary. By having a midwife to be part of your journey, you will receive more care, with things like:

  • In person support for you and your partner throughout the entire journey.
  • Many options for pain relief during the delivery of the baby, including an epidural if you request one.
  • Help with position changes, certain positions may speed up their delivery process.


  1. Midwife park city will also provide follow up care

Midwives can help the new mothers determine the best plan for after the labor. Midwife follow up care might include:

  • Support for new mothers who decide they want to breastfeed their baby. For example, a midwife can teach new mothers on how to properly breastfeed their new baby.
  • A midwife can show you guidance about any newborn care issues. For example, a midwife can see your baby’s overall health and can offer you advice for newborn care.